Season 5 Episode 3 - The Emerald Thieves
A congregation of oceanic gem bandits in the caves of the North Sea. Track features tape samples from an interview recorded by my grandfather many decades ago. This is a work in progress.
Season 6 Episode 11 - Skepsis
A track from the upcoming album Severance. I played this at the space 120 show as well. The episode itself is kind of hard to describe. It was filmed entirely on an experimental polysynthetic tape which bent and stretched the frames when played back, giving the image a skewed, nauseating swagger. Despite the fact that most viewers experienced great discomfort while watching the original episode, it remains a favorite of many die-hard fans. The plot is slow but action-packed, as Clarence and Joale lead their search team through the remains of the old transport hub in Skepsis.
Season 7 Episode 1 - The Lost City
I posted this track a couple of weeks ago. We follow the team at long last through the great Lost City. The music reflect's Altra's nervous excitement with a sharp beat in three sets of five.
This episode ushered in a great deal of confused excitement regarding the legendary seventh season of SDSJ. After director Rex Londage's departure at the conclusion of season 6, veteran documentarian Ruano Cyrtec was hired to take his place. Ruano's first attempt is a gorgeous and inspired installment taking the viewer on a mind-grinding journey through the many-dimensional architecture of the sea.
I made this song when I was 15. The version here is just slightly remastered. This is the first recorded footage pertaining to the SDSJ series.

fuck yeah, these are awesome! I was wondering wharr ye goe'd. I am a fan of nauseating swagger. Bubbly and chunkysmooth like only the deep sea could be.